Rick Gregory, Writer

Translating Messages From Heads To Hearts


Saturday morning

The dinner party was cool. The living room was really hot (this morning I found the radiant heat in the living room turned up to full blast. it was about 90 when I got up) Conversations. Lots of them . . . about Siberia, about downward mobility. About whether Creation was a literal or figurative

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Dinner Party

Should be fun. 9 adults and 7 kids in a 2-bedroom apartment (or condo. whatever). We’re hosting the Nesbitts, Swansons, Princes and a new friend named Dennis (won’t know his last name until after dinner). Getting ready is fun, despite the fact I ripped off a toenail trying to move a table from the kitchen

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Saturday was a wonderful day. We did our regular Marshall Canyon run then came back and spent the balance of the day working around the Sorority house, getting the rest of our stuff moved in, wondering at what might be in store for us as we get to know the 24 girls who live here!

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As I scanned the small gathering, the body language � especially of the warriors was all wrong. Their eyes sent chills cascading down my spine despite the heat of the African savannah. The name of the village was Lopeduru Aparukude, situated in the bush about 20km away from the trading center at Nabilatuk in the

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OK, so now I’m going to post some more information I sent to some email friends, but thought it might be good to have available for the whole world to see . . . So much has happened since we returned from Uganda. Some good . . . and some not so good. I’ll see

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We were in Uganda for 6 weeks this past summer, not with any particular agency. About 3 or 4 years ago, we really started getting restless, wondering what the last half of our work life would (or maybe should) look like.�We both�felt like we had tasted what America calls “success,” and found it lacking. Part

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“Africance” – September 28, 2005 Ah, so you wonder what the name means, do you? Well, a couple years ago, Sherry and I decided that the Great American Dream wasn’t so dreamy for us. We began to ask questions . . . questions like, “Why do we in America have so much and those in

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